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Finale practice research event

Exploring Female Identities Through Social Aerial Circus and Digital Media

26th June 2019, University of Portsmouth, White Swan building, Studio 6


The written thesis aims to provide the research context and articulate the practice-based research findings and is to be read alongside and in conjunction with viewing this video of the final practice research event which forms the foundation of the contribution to knowledge. This event enabled a connection of scholarship and artistic practice through physical performance and drew together a variety of qualitative data gathered over the course of the project incorporating multiple layers of knowledge in the form of video, still image, audio recordings, participant interviews, and text. This event offered an opportunity for participants to come together in a celebration of their achievements, to prompt discussion and reflect upon their experiences of aerial circus. It reflected upon both the performer researcher and participants’ lived experiences of aerial circus and the role of digital imagery within this. The performance seminar, vocal aerial silks performance and multi-media installation format questioned the role of the body as a repository and means of communicating practice knowledge and reflected upon embodied experience. 

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